Aqua Vega is a professional two-component conditioner for plants, with fast action, containing all the necessary elements for their optimal development. Suitable for use in hydroponic crops during the growth phase. - Aqua Vegaguarantees strong plants with long vital shoots,prepared for the flowering phase. - It is simple to use, easy to dissolve and best suited for use in recirculating hydroponic and aeroponic systems. -AquaVega containspH stabilizers, silicon, humic and fulvic acids.
Dosage: 1 : 500 ( 200 ml A and 200 ml B per 100 liters of water) Statement: Add Aqua Vega A to the medium tank. Mix well, then add Aqua Vega B. Again, mix well and leave the mixture for a few hours. EC with Aqua Vega dissolved in (tap) water, varies between 1.1 - 1.9 mS ( = EC water SOLUTION EC ) |