B-52 is a powerful proprietary blend of six different B group vitamins and an amino acid rich extract of marine algae, humic acids, fulvic acid and a number of stimulating nutrients that will make your plants thrive. B-52 is a plant strengthening factor. B-52 provides additional strength and stiffness to the stems and branches. It is well known that plants are able to "sense" how much weight their buds can achieve based on the strength of stems and branches. B-52 makes plants work with the highest productivity, keeping the growth at a fast and healthy level thanks to the varied dose of B vitamins.B-52 stimulates general plant metabolism, promotes the development of strong roots, stimulates growth and helps crops fight the effects of stress factors such as intense light, cold water, ozone, drought and salinity . The entire internal system of plant life support is strengthened thanks to the holistic benefits of this vitamin recipe with a strong effect, which guarantees the functioning of plants with the highest efficiency and growing in the greatest health and strength. Do not settle for other recipes with just one or two B vitamins. A few vitamins will help, but they will not provide the full spectrum of benefits your crops need to give you a really special quality harvest.
This immortal blend contains vitamin B1, humic acid, marine algae and other ingredients that make plants grow better and produce more - even in the demanding environment of your garden with intense light. B-52 supports the development of roots, which allows for increased uptake of such basic elements as microelements needed for plants. Professional growers use B-52 to strengthen and nourish clones, seedlings, plants in the stage of growth and flowering. This mixture guarantees a unique, 100% strong supplement of minerals and vitamins, thanks to which your plants are always masterful!
House and garden plants (soil and mixtures): 1-2 ml / 1 liter of water or fertilizer solution. Apply once a week.
Hydroponics: 1-2 ml / 1 liter into the tank. Apply each time.
Spraying: 2-5 ml / 1 liter. Use every 2 weeks.