The Can-Fan EC-controller
The sensor measures the temperature and humidity in the room, it’s also has a build-in light sensor to detect whether its day or night. The controller is Plug & Play, easy to use and you can control it with just 3 buttons.
The benefits
Temperature and humidity settings
Day and night settings
Easy to control: Plug & Play!
Maximum and Minimum speed settings
More control, more flexibility
Noiseless and stepless
Multiple fans controllable through one controller
Can-Fan controllers: More power to you
Every customer would like to run their fan on a controller. Sometimes a fan has a built in controller, but most of the time they are sold separately. Many fans already have a built in speed switch, varying from 2 – 4 speeds. AC fans (and also AC controllers) are also Amperage dependant. In other words: the number of fans you can run is limited. In addition to this, you can’t exceed the maximum amperage stated on the controller.
This is not an ideal situation. You want to control the full spectrum from 0 to 100%, since no workspace is the same. Those variables demand extra control and settings so you have more flexibility. Day and night settings for example, or more control on the temperature and humidity; elements that help you optimize the growth and bloom. In short, a perfect end result.
AC versus EC
More flexibility and control is desirable. The newest generation EC-fans and the EC-controllers from Can-Fan don’t have the restrictions AC fans have. EC-fans are not limited by amperage. The number of fans you can control is theoretically unlimited. That is a huge step forward, provided that you use EC-fans like the Q-Max EC and the Max-Fan Pro Series EC. But what if you use AC-fans? Well, Can-Fan has developed an ingenious solution for that.