Perfect oxygenation in tanks with the Neptune Hydroponics 3500l / h Air Pump
3500 L / h Neptune Hydroponics air pump, high quality and renowned among hydroponic growers. With this air pump, our nutrient solution tanks will be fully oxygenated thanks to the high flow rate of this pump, up to 3500 L / h.
Get your nutrient solution to be in perfect condition and avoid stress on your plants
It works great in large tanks, for example 200 liters or 500 liters, where the classic smaller air pumps cannot cope. A poorly oxygenated deposit will put the plants under serious stress, which affects their development and production, since the plants hardly eat NPK in lack of oxygen. Otherwise the plants will be able to eat according to their normal or accelerated rhythm if we considerably increase the quality of the water.
This air pump is ideal for large tanks (200 or 500 liters)
When the temperature exceeds 25ºC, water loses useful oxygen, so if we grow hydroponics we will have to consider this important factor and constantly monitor the temperature with a water thermometer with a suction cup.
With this pump we can choose between any type of diffuser stones, according to the taste of each grower we have different models available that vary in shape and size.
Technical characteristics of Air Pump 3500l / h Neptune Hydroponics:
Voltage: 220 / 50Hz
Power: 50W
Air outlet: 3500l / h