EC60 Pocket-size Conductivity / TDS / Temperature Meter with replaceable electrode
This new waterproof Pocket-size EC/TDS/Temp Meter include features such as a replaceable probe, temperature in °C or °F, automatic temperature compensation with adjustable ß, battery level indicator, stability indicator, automatic shut-off and automatic calibration all in a floating, waterproof casing.
EC60 shows on the dual-level LCD the EC (20.00 mS/cm) or TDS (10.00 ppt) value. It also displays the temperature from 0.0 to 60.0°C (or 32.0 to 140.0°F) on the secondary level at the same time.
EC60 is supplied complete with protective cap, 20 mL 12880 µS/cm sachet of calibration solution, batteries and instructions in a plastic tube.
EC electrodes can develop nutrient build up over time. To miminize build up, always rinse the probe in fresh tap water after every use.
The Milwaukee PRO EC60 Conductivity Tester, like all conductivity meters, measures electrically charged ions in solution and is an absolute measure of conductivity.
In hydroponics, EC is often converted to TDS in parts per million (ppm). The different scales include the 500 scale, the 650 scale, and the 700 scale. However, the real PPM can only be determined by chemical analysis.
Readings in mS / cm can be approximately converted to TDS (ppm) as shown in the examples below.
2.00 mS / cm = 2000 uS / cm = 1000 ppm on the 0.50 ratio scale
2.00 mS / cm = 2000 uS / cm = 1400 ppm on the scale 442 or the factor scale 0.70