During the substrate production process, the entire "micro life" is removed so that no harmful elements remain. The problem with this approach is that other beneficial elements needed by plants are also removed. This makes the substrate more susceptible to pests and diseases. It is important to have a rich, beneficial "micro life" in the substrate, which prevents problems and optimizes plant growth conditions. Accumulated salts are broken down by enzymes produced by beneficial bacteria. Root systems are protected by beneficial microorganisms from harmful microorganisms. By adding Micromix, a rich substrate full of beneficial microorganisms is created, which ensure optimal growth conditions. Composition:Micromix contains a mixture of microorganisms and stimulants. Micro-organisms have been selected on the basis of the functions they perform and have been specially treated to remain active in the substrate. To ensure the durability of microorganisms in order to protect and nourish them, special measures are used. This ensures that microorganisms act stably, and give, and have a strong, direct effect after administration. Administration and dosage:Micromix is available in two versions: Micromix Soil and Micromix Drip. Both products are in powder form. Mix the substrate through a substrate of 0.5-1 g / 1 L of soil or straw. 1 g in each hole (before replanting), Micromix is administered once during planting. Optionally, you can repeat the treatment after 21 days using Micromix Drip. Mix 1 g/L in the tank and mix the solution until micromix is completely dissolved. Then it is necessary to water with a solution of the plant. Optionally, you can repeat the treatment after 30 days. Advantages of using Micromix Drip: